Reading the fifth edition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Report is extremely useful and necessary.

On the occasion of its presentation, 371 statistical measures were disseminated that correspond to 138 indicators among those proposed by the Inter Agency Expert Group on SDGs (UN-IAEG-SDGs) for monitoring the progress of the 2030 Agenda globally.

Compared to the February 2022 release, 188 statistical measures have been updated in this twelfth release and 4 new ones have been introduced, based on the information available until 9 September 2022.

The report SDGs 2022. Statistical Information for the 2030 Agenda in Italy“, published in October, clearly expresses that the achievement of the SDGs must be combined with the principles “do not leave anyone behind” and “help those who are further back“.

The NRRP itself has among its essential objectives that of accompanying a new season of convergence between the South and the Center-North, to ensure that progress coincides with a reduction in disparities between territories.

The NG-EU Program guarantees our country, through the NRRP, resources of 191.5 billion euros over a six-year horizon (2021-2026); these resources were assigned to the reference administrations using a hierarchical classification of the amounts based on four levels (6 missions, 16 components, 191 measures and 285 sub-measures).

A unique opportunity for growth and reduction of disparities that deserves to be explored and exploited to its full extent, so as not to leave a once-in-a-life opportunity wasted.

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