The world of communication is the world of the living, in particular of man, and the sphere in which concepts such as form, order, meaning, organization, structure, relationship and beauty develop concepts that physics has almost always ignored or even rejected among the so-called “secondary qualities” and therefore negligible.

BePink seeks to inspire its action to the thought of Gregory Bateson who made a fundamental contribution to the study of information overcoming the obsession measured and enriching the knowledge of the quality that resides in the world of information and structure, where man’s organizing activity identifies and distinguishes things, assigns names and introduces laws and distinctions.

In the Creature, as Bateson called it, everything can represent everything else and thus become a symbol, opening the very wide perspectives of meaning and allowing all sorts of linguistic play, in an elusive interweaving of syntax and semantics, of messages and metamessages.

The meaning of a thing is not intrinsic to it, but is conferred upon it by the symbolic activity of living beings, in particular of man. In this sense we can say that language “creates” the world. And when I say language, I don’t just mean language: communication is a universal phenomenon, using various codes, traces of which are found in the most humble and distant portions of nature.

So, what matters in the Creature are the differences. Information lies in differences and the unit of information can be defined as the smallest difference capable of causing a difference. Communication channels are therefore the media that transfer differences, suitably transformed and encoded, in time or space.

Respecting and recognizing differences, giving value to qualitative aspects, understanding the power of the symbol and the importance of meaning, this should animate the spirit of information of all those involved in marketing and communication. This is meant to be BePink’s inspirational warning.