The Infrastructural Issue and Income Inequality

The infrastructure issue is a complex issue that has a lot to do with income inequality, in fact where the greater/better the infrastructure equipment, the lower the income inequality will be. Every infrastructural improvement has always had a marginal impact that is proportionally greater, in terms of maximum and better access to productive opportunities, for the poorest strata of the population.

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Global Innovation Index.

The Global Innovation Index analyzes the innovative performance of around 132 economies and is an important reference that allows us to evaluate innovation ecosystems. Every year announces the biggest science and technology (S&T) innovation clusters in the world and the Global Innovation Tracker which measures the pace of technological progress and adoption, and captures key innovation trends within the four stages of the innovation journey.

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Patterns of Opportunity

The achievement of the SDGs must be combined with the principles “do not leave anyone behind” and “help those who are further back“as well as the NRRP itself has among its essential objectives a new season of convergence between the South and the Center-North, to ensure a reduction in disparities between territories.

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Focus on SDGs5-Gender Equity Gender & Snapshot-Report

We would like to underline how goal number 5 of the SDGs, aimed at gender equality, is indispensable for sustainable development and that to achieve this goal three different fronts must be taken into consideration: the social, the economic and the environmental one.

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Strategic Supply Chains & Digital and Ecological Transition

CDP’s attention, both to those sectors that historically play a central role to the Italian economy, guaranteeing its prestige and recognition on international markets, both to those supply chains that intercept real emerging transformativephenomena, crucial for the achievement of European and national strategic objectives, linked to energy and digital transitions.

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CDP’s attention, both to those sectors that historically play a central role to the Italian economy, guaranteeing its prestige and recognition on international markets, both to those supply chains that intercept real emerging transformativephenomena, crucial for the achievement of European and national strategic objectives, linked to energy and digital transitions.