When we talk about Corporate or Brand Reputation, we refer to much more than the reputation of a brand or a company, something more than often comes to the fore only in the context of Crisis Management.

This is a more complex issue that is the consequences of many factors: from the communication and choices that the company makes at the socio-economic level, from employee satisfaction to the public image, from the opinion of different stakeholders to the ability to attract talent, from the investors’ trust to the brand authority.

Given this context, the Brand Reputation is the result of the alignment between the expectations of the stakeholders, the Brand Identity, the real behavior and capacity of the company, while the Reputation Equity will be maximum when the company promises matches or exceeds the expectations that it creates.

The Axios Harris Poll appears to be very interesting in this regard, which through a survey involving nearly 43,000 Americans has found which brands are perceived as, more or less, corresponding to the principle of adherence that characterizes Brand Reputation.

The evaluation was developed by analyzing seven dimensions that led to the classification of the Brands based on a reputation score that specifically involved:

  • Performance

  • Products and Services

  • Corporate Culture

  • Working Environment

  • Leadership

  • Governance

  • Citizenship

The polling process started by asking respondents which two companies they felt excelled or faltered in the U.S.A. — in other words, which companies were the most “visible” in their eyes.

On the basis of these three guidelines, it has been shown that identity choices that correspond to concrete actions have a tangible impact on the recognition of individuals: unwavering and bold commitments to the environment has helped Patagonia to top the charts as the #1 brand, rising 31 ranks since 2020.

From funneling 1% of sales into environmental donations to ensuring ethical supply chains, Patagonia’s culture, ethics, and citizenship all align with its business model in consumers’ eyes.

Below is the top ten of the 2021 ranking, where Pfizer stands out as best performer; with over 33 million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered daily around the world, underlined Pfizer’s contribution to the ongoing immunization progress and improving its own placement since 2020 of 54 places.

2021 Rank Brand 2021 Score Overall Reputation
#1 Patagonia 82.7 Excellent
# 2 Honda Motor Company 81.6 Excellent
# 3 Moderna 81.3 Excellent
# 4 Check-fil-A 81.1 Excellent
# 5 SpaceX 81.1 Excellent
# 6 Chewy 80.9 Excellent
# 7 Pzifer 80.2 Excellent
# 8 Tesla Motor 80.2 Excellent
# 9 Costco 80.1 Excellent
# 10 Amazon.com 80.0 Excellent

For the full reading of the article, please refer to the Visual Capitalist website, click the button to access the page.

Ranked: The Reputation of 100 Major Brands in the U.S.